What Are the Different Types of Gummy Bear Implants?

If you’re considering breast augmentation, you’ve likely heard of gummy bear implants. These implants give you a natural look and feel, but did you know there are different types of gummy bear implants? Each type has its benefits and can be chosen based on what you need and want. Let’s explore the options available to you.

Allergan Natrelle

Allergan Natrelle gummy bear implants offer several advantages if you are seeking breast augmentation. These implants are filled with a highly cohesive silicone gel that maintains its shape, providing a natural feel and appearance. The form-stable gel minimizes the risk of leakage in case of rupture, enhancing safety.

Available in both round and anatomical (teardrop) shapes, these implants cater to different aesthetic preferences, allowing for a tailored look. With a range of sizes and profiles, Allergan Natrelle gummy bear implants provide versatile and customizable options for achieving desired breast enhancement outcomes.


Mentor gummy bear implants are renowned for their durability and natural look, offering a reliable option for breast augmentation. Highly favored by plastic surgeons, these implants are filled with a cohesive silicone gel that retains its shape, providing a realistic feel similar to natural breast tissue.

Mentor offers both round and teardrop shapes, accommodating different aesthetic tastes. The implants are available in different profiles and sizes, allowing for personalized enhancement


Known to last for 10 to 20 years or more, Sientra gummy bear implants are a popular option. The teardrop-shaped implants feature a contoured top and extra volume at the bottom, offering a natural, fuller appearance. Despite the variety of sizes available, this particular design mimics the natural slope of the breast, enhancing its overall look.

Schedule a Gummy Bear Implants Consultation in Draper, UT

Ready to enhance your silhouette with gummy bear implants? Schedule a consultation with Paul Watterson at Watterson Plastic Surgery.

Dr. Watterson, with years of experience and a dedication to patient satisfaction, will guide you through the process to help you achieve the beautiful, natural-looking results you desire.

Contact Watterson Plastic Surgery today at 801-571-2020 to book your consultation. Your dream figure is within reach!

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