With spring right around the corner, it’s likely that you’re getting the urge to start spring cleaning around your home. We suggest taking a look at your skincare routine and makeup bag when going through items around your house that you may not use or need anymore. Here are some of our tips to ensuring that your skin looks glowy and beautiful this season and beyond.
Out with the Old
This may seem like a no-brainer, but make sure you throw out anything that has an expiration date that has passed. This may seem obvious, but many of us don’t think about our cosmetics expiring or assume you’d use it all up by the time it’s past its prime.
Wash Those Brushes
This isn’t just a tip for springtime but a tip for the entire year, you should be washing and cleansing your makeup brushes regularly. If you wear makeup daily and use makeup brushes you should be washing them once a week. Bacteria and product build-up can make your brushes not only unhygienic to use but can make your makeup looks not turn out as intended.
Change Up Your Products
Now that you’ve tossed your old products, take stock in what items you want to replace or new things you might want to try. With the warmer weather on the horizon, you might want to switch to a lighter moisturizer and slightly darker shade of foundation for the summer months ahead. Also, if you’re not wearing sunscreen on a regular basis, we highly recommend adding that into your routine.
Reorganize and Clean
Now that you’ve thrown out old products and restocked with items you’re excited about, make sure their new home is clean and welcoming. Clean out your makeup bag with soap and invest in some containers or organizers to make it look aesthetically pleasing. This might help in the future months to use these new products you’ve bought and notice when they’re almost out or getting close to their expiration dates.
We hope these “spring cleaning” tips help you keep your skin looking fresh and vibrant. If that’s not enough and you’re interested in some of our cosmetic procedures, give us a call today at 801-571-2020 to discuss your options.