The last thing that you may want to do after you get a breast augmentation is massage your implants and your breasts. In addition to resting, cleaning around the incision site, and wearing your compression bra, we also encourage patients to start massaging their breasts just a few days after surgery. But how and why should you do this? Let’s take a closer look and see.
Why Massage?
When we tell patients about massaging their breasts, we relate it to getting a back massage. Back massages are done to help soften tight muscles and release lactic acid build-up. Similarly, breast massage is done to help loosen up the breast muscles by getting rid of scar tissue.
Because an implant is a foreign object, your body’s natural response after surgery will be to form scar tissue around it. The problematic thing about scar tissue is that it can be painful and may make your breasts feel firmer than you want. When you massage your breasts, you are breaking up scar tissue which will give you natural-looking and feeling breasts.
How to Massage?
The first couple of times that you massage your breasts, they may be exceptionally tender because of all of the scar tissue. To start out, cup your breasts and try to separate your implant from the muscles. Then, slowly move it back and forth using your index and middle finger. Continue doing this all around your breast so that you get rid of all of the scar tissue. Repeat a few times a day for several weeks.
Massaging your breasts will help you get the best results from your implants. If you want to learn more, contact our Draper office and call us at 801-571-2020.