7 facts about plastic surgery

plastic surgeon touching face of attractive woman with marked face Admit it. You’ve thought about plastic surgery before. Whether you’ve used a finger to lift the skin above your eyebrow or cupped your breasts and lifted them or sucked in your stomach for a sleeker contour, then you’ve probably thought about ways to get the curves and contours you desire. If you’re interested in getting plastic surgery, here is what you need to know as you embark on a new you in the New Year.

  1. Plastic surgery can have a major effect on your confidence and self-esteem. When you look and feel your best, you exude a confidence like no other. Plastic surgery can help you attain that exuberant feeling. 
  2. Plastic surgery can help you if you’re teased or get unwanted attention for your looks. Whether you have protruding ears, a misshapen nose or excessively large breasts, there are several plastic surgery procedures that can help you improve the appearance of areas on your body that make you feel self-conscious. 
  3. Plastic surgery can help give you your pre-pregnancy body back. It’s no secret that pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding can take its toll on your body. Procedures such as breast enhancement, body contouring and tummy tucks can give you the contours you desire. 
  4. Plastic surgery can help with medical issues. Plastic surgery isn’t only meant to address aesthetic concerns. A rhinoplasty or nose surgery is commonly performed on patients who are dealing with a deviated septum and need improved breathing passages. 
  5. Plastic surgery is often used as a tool in reconstruction for patients who have disfigurements from accidents or other trauma, helping them feel and look more like themselves. 
  6. Plastic surgery can get rid of unwanted fat that is resistant to even the best diet and exercise programs. If you have found your diet and exercise methods ineffective at getting rid of fat pockets, plastic surgery procedures such as liposuction can help get rid of them for good.
  7. Plastic surgery can help people who have lost a significant amount of weight improve their appearance. If you’ve lost a lot of weight, you may deal with sagging or drooping skin. Often, patients can benefit from body contouring procedures to give them the contours they desire. 

Is plastic surgery right for you? To learn more, schedule a consultation by calling 801-571-2020 today. 

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