Saline Implants
Saline implants are FDA-approved for use in patients 18 years and older. They have many benefits, including giving the surgeon flexibility when it comes to size. The implant starts out as an empty outer shell that is inserted through small incisions and then filled with the salt-water solution once implanted. Another benefit to saline implants is the fact that you will know if it’s ruptured or leaks, as the implant will lose its shape as the solution leaves the shell. The natural solution is then absorbed by the body.
Silicone Gel Implants
Silicone gel implants are more popular than saline implants and for many reasons. FDA-approved for use in patients 22 years old and older, they look and feel more like natural breast tissue. They also don’t ripple, which is one reason why women don’t like saline implants. The issue with silicone gel implants is that if they rupture, you will not know. An MRI is needed after the third year of implantation and every year following to make sure the implant is intact. Also, the incision will likely be larger than an incision for a saline implant because they are pre-filled prior to insertion and the size is pre-determined.
It’s important to know that a breast augmentation is not a one-and-done surgery. Manufacturers of implants guarantee their products for 10 years, so you can expect your implants to last anywhere from 10 to 15 years. You’ll need replacement surgery after that time.
If you live in the Salt Lake City or Draper, Utah, area and are interested in learning more about breast augmentation surgery and which implant type, size and shape is right for you, call our office at 801-571-2020 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Watterson.